prof Dorsa Sadigh

Dorsa Sadigh awarded National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Grant


Her project is titled, 'Aligning with Human Preferences for Safe Autonomous Systems’.'


Congratulations to Professor Dorsa Sadigh on being awarded a National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource NAIRR Grant. Her group's project will focus on Learning effective reward functions for robotic using large datasets and human feedback. Researchers will want to make sure the robot operates safely and reliably around people, and they may need to personalize how certain robots interact with humans–in a home-care setting, for example.

“Training robot models that can work in the real world will require a massive amount of compute power,” Joey Hejna (PhD candidate) explains. “High-performing VLMs usually have at least 7 billion parameters. This project would not be possible without access to the GPU hours from the National Science Foundation.”

Please join us in congratulating Dorsa on this award and her innovative research!


Excerpted from, ‘Stanford AI Projects Greenlighted in National AI Research Resource Pilot,’ Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI).'

Read more: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot, Awarded Projects

Published : May 28th, 2024 at 08:40 am
Updated : May 28th, 2024 at 08:59 am