Sebastian Fernandez, PhD candidate
Sebastian Fernandez, PhD candidate receives U.S. Department of Energy IBUILD Graduate Research Fellowship

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has awarded graduate research fellowships to eight U.S. graduate students that conduct research related to building energy efficiency.


prof Eric Pop
Eric Pop named American Physical Society Fellow

His citation reads, “for contributions to the physics of electrical and thermal transport in one- and two-dimensional materials, and their applications to transistors and data storage.”


prof Krishna Shenoy
Krishna Shenoy elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)

For making seminal contributions both to basic neuroscience and to translational and clinical research. [partial citation, continued in article]


Asir Intisar Khan
Asir Intisar Khan receives the 2022 IEEE Electron Device Society Ph.D. Student Fellowship

The fellowship supports PhD level study and research within the Electron Devices Society’s field of interest.


Emeritus Professor Arogyaswami Paulraj
Arogyaswami Paulraj inducted into Wireless Hall of Fame

Induction into the Wireless Hall of Fame is one of the industry’s highest honors, acknowledging the leadership, innovation, and achievement of each honoree.


Prof Raina and students at VLSI conference
Priyanka Raina’s students receive awards at the 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits

Their awards are for the "Best Demo Paper" and the "Best Student Paper."


profs Priyanka Raina and H.S. Philip Wong
Priyanka Raina and H.S. Philip Wong’s NeuRRAM chip

Their chip is twice as energy efficient, versatile, and delivers results that are as accurate as conventional digital chips.


prof Benjamin Van Roy
Benjamin Van Roy awarded the INFORMS 2022 Lanchester Prize

This prize is awarded for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English.


Thomas Teisberg, EE PhD Candidate
Thomas Teisberg, PhD candidate receives TomKat Center Graduate Fellowship for Translational Research

The TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy awarded three Graduate Fellowships for promising, early-stage research on novel climate solutions toward deployment in the world.


Jonathan Dotan
How cryptography and Web3 can help restore trust in digital media

A group of researchers explore how the tools of cryptography can be used to verify the veracity of the images and videos you see online.
